
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Studio Update

 I just realized It's been a while since I updated about the studio! 

Goodness me

The last time I spoke the studio looked like                                                                                                     the construction disaster it was

We got all the windows in

But one of the pains broke so we had to wait a couple weeks for a replacement

Meanwhile The wiring for electricity and LIGHTS

went in, January Ahhhhhhh!

the drywall went up, February, yay!

we got the flooring delivered, Whoop!

And I got to play Muddy Mudskipper on the walls


many buckets of mud and a few more trips to hodo

As you do

I got all the walls nice and sanded smooth 

then painted primer, 2 coats

Annnnd the color is,

 a nice soft mossy green

IKR? bad enough we have moss outside?

But see how nice it looks!

With a little bit of pink for accent on the doors

It will be lovely to work in

Now for the floors

I took 2 days to get this far

And my back hurts

These Are easy to install bUt

There is a bit of a learning curve 

and the first 2 or 3 rows are a pain in the ass to get started

This is after the 3rd day

of scooting around on my butt, hammering

not bad for an old lady ya?

Adam finished putting in all the outlets and covers

And once the electrician comes back to finish 

the floor outlets and wire in the outside light, 

heat pump And the exhaust fan

I will get working on all the quarter round to finish up the floors

But wait!

We still need to frame in the windows and fit up the windowsills, It's always something......

I just want to move!

1 comment:

  1. I can’t believe you’re doing all that work yourself! Good grief! I’d be in two shoulder casts while they were operating on my back and knees! But it’s looking fantastic - and I love green too!!!



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