Time to work on the outside of the first floor
I am really proud of that bay window,
yeah its a little chunky
and yeah, it's not even or straght
but I made it from scratch
Therefore it is awesome.
Here is the whole backside mostly done
Doesn't that little bit of brick foundation look real?
So cool when that happens!
So now I have all these bricks left over
I think I'll make a patio
so I could judge where to stop
If you do this, brick by brick, start in the corner
Here you can kind of make out the stair step pattern
This is almost as therapeutic as sewing together 2" blocks, almost.
Now it needs some grass
I'm just a girl with a glue bottle today
all this miniature work is oddly satisfying.
I have a tendency to go overboard on new things and then
never finish them when I loose interest or life pushes it aside
I have plans for a second floor
and furnishings for the rest of the house
Lets see how far I get
For now I'm pleased with the backyard so far.
Everything needs some weathering
It looks too newly painted
and It needs more plants