Happy new year, to every one out there in blog land.
I hope your Christmas was every thing it should be.
I am in the throws of rearranging my sewing room- yet again .
it has been in a total state of disrepair for the last year or so, since
It has moved to 3 different rooms in the house 4 separate times.
Playing musical rooms, is not conducive to creativity.
All my stuff is in boxes or piles & I can't seem to find the most basic
things like needles or thread, It's very annoying.
I can't even find the table to put my sewing machine on right now.
on the other hand I found some really great deals on fabric!
one doesn't need organization to collect, just a spot to stuff it!
I have this week off so I have plenty of time to organize & straighten.
maby by this time next week I'll have found time to sew something fun!