as you know if you read this little blog, I got a job last month.
I thought time was zipping by before!
now I barely have time to sneeze!
My day starts around 5:30am, & ends at 11:30
when I wake up after having fallen asleep in front of the TV. Again.
Work is wonderful, finally somewhere I can go people
actually appreciate what I do for them, so far.
I'm getting to know my co-workers & I even remember some of their names!
the Boss is there enough that my typing is getting better,
but not so much that he's annoyed at the glacial pace with
which I type! I haven't found anyone who will do the laundry,
so I'd better get on it or it will smother us all in our sleep.
sorry no pics. I haven't worked out the logistics of sewing while commuting.