I might even go further and argue, Crazy quilts are the ultimate in crumb quilting
No fabric matches in any square
is also harvested from old thrifted clothing
and is no larger than 2"-4" wide and 2"-6" long
In my case, I'm most comfortable with 10" squares so no seam is longer than 3" to 6"
Buttons are used with abandon, in blobs, sprays and scatters
As are beads and sequins
Embellishments are usually made from lace motifs
Jewelry parts that are broken or have lost a mate
Every square uses no more than 3" of lace
Lots of silk ribbon embroidery
Not that I'm biased
I'll make a scrap Quilt out of anything
English paper piecing
Stuffed animals
Even decorating my home with them
When life gives you scraps
After a certain point Scrapping becomes a way of life
relieving plainness or monotony by adding beauty of color or design or as is the usual all of them at once