so I decided to combine junes BJP project with the one I'm working on now I made two of these and they are to be the wings of a blue bird in the german style.
German being one (of 7) of the nationalities swimming around in my blood stream.
Its so strange, so many people like to define themselves by a nationality in this country and I never could understand it.
you get asked all the time (in Chicago at least) "so what are you?" and I have never had an adequate answer for that.
We never really celebrated anything specific, it was sort of jumbled into or pulled from whatever was interesting at the time.
besides that I'd have to say if I was anything I am a midwest bohemian with pagan leanings. that's about as specific as I can get.
so anyway, all confusion aside, I am celebrating one of my heritages with this piece.
and really the colors were all inspired by one of the monthly embellishment packages from "Flights of Fancy" so I think it's safe to say we can blame her for all this introspection! :)
I still have some beading to do and I need to find the other orange flower for around the portrait but it's mostly done.
very german countryside don't you think?