Now I realize, it's just too dang early for christmas but well I have a few things finished and they just so happened to be themed that way.
if the furnace was still on it would have run this morning.
anyway enough grousing about the wacky weather, the little christmas pouches are cute aren't they...
the first one is just big enough for a small set of keys and a cell phone
the 3 girls is tiny 2"x2" so it can hold a small present &/or be hung on the tree.
I love the horse sleigh on this one.
though I will admit to going a little crazy with the snowflakes
the dragonfly's wings untie so the rings can be secured to the pillow
and the last pouch is just too frilly and pink for words.
this is what I have been up to so far, the blooms of summer
though there has been a lot of gardening as it has been unusually warm around here,
until yesterday that is
more on that later