I am wondering if it would be a good idea for me to open an ESTY shop, most of what I do is small bit
like the tree box it's 2.5"x4.5"x3"high is cloth covered and has a green satin cushioned interior
but i don't know if there is a market out there for
I have discovered I enjoy making these little boxes they are relatively easy and depending on the box size fairly quick to finish.
See i even made myself a label!
these two are the small ones.
the yellow one is just a little longer measuring 3.5'x5..5"x3.5 high, also cloth covered but no cushion inside.
I also finished "Whatever a moon has meant " for the BJP but it's spot doesn't come up untill june. looks like I need
tho the january piece is done and so is aprils i need to finish "wherever you go" for february and come up with a decent idea for "whatever is done by only me is your doing my darling" for march.
so to ESTY or not to ESTY?
I've gotta fund this fabric/bead/ribbon/lace addiction somehow!