
Thursday, July 30, 2020

A new blue project

Ive started a new project

Because why not

Its not like I have 3 dozen other projects to work on

Or do I?

Yes, this is the creatives paradox

Are you a creative who needs to finish what you started before going on to the next project or are you like me and try to do  everything all at once?

Because I have so many ideas, I feel I have to draw it, write it down, or start it before they float away

Can you tell what This one is about?

This Fellow has an opinion I'll tell you!

At first his jacket was not quite right
so I had to add more color

Then his waist coat was not quite right

His ears were not big enough

And I fluffed his tail too much!

What a fussy rabbit!

This fellow was much better behaved

Though he is a bit messy

There is progress over here also

But I need more charlotts!

Kitten says it's time to relax
Doesn't she look regal!

Molly concurs, it's relaxing time

Today It's too hot to do more

1 comment:

  1. Been following along with your FB posts though I am now determined to keep a low profile there. No political comments to start a small war. No posts to show life on the mountain. Just lurking and maybe liking/loving. I especially like your skellie work. The beading caught my eye. The humidity on this mountain is single digit while temps are triple and winds are double. It all makes for a pretty pleasant day. What a change from Northern Indiana where we would have sweltered.
    xx, Carol



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