
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Life in quarentine or for my own mental health

I may not post for a while. Anyone who is a regular here knows this happens from time to time, when I get overwhelmed with other things to do or loose the mojo to do. It's a thing with me.
I battle with a mild form of Anxiety and depression that I don't tend to advertise because people (not you guy's, you're great!) are judgey. I just don't want you al to worry if I drop off for an extended period. I'm OK. I hope you all are OK too.

When life gets overwhelming I self-isolate (convenient, no?) and retreat into the things that make me feel better. I sew and binge-watch, or garden or read. I have cultivated many, many hobbies to cope with being overloaded emotionally or mentally.
I think we can all agree the news lately is worth a bit of whelming.

I try to keep politics and religion out of my blog but it seeps in from time to time, again those of you who come here often, pretty much know my proclivities. I am an Atheist Leftist.
I have received a few comments that I have erased for being nasty and hurtful. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I don't expect everyone to fall in lockstep, with every idea I espouse.
I can handle dissent and I welcome debate but there is no space here for abuse.

Funny, how people who accuse you of being a snowflake, that can't handle a different opinion are the first ones to rant and rave when you challenge their beliefs. I have no place for that in my life anymore. My step-father was abusive in many horrible ways and my ex was a narcissist so I have done this already, I won't allow it here.

I apologize to anyone for whom I have offended with language or ideology but I will warn you all
That Is Who I AM
I do swear like a sailor, (and if you think I'm, bad you should hear my mother) though I do try to tamp it down in public.
I will speak my mind and it won't always be politically correct.
And if someone deserves it, I will tell you why you are incorrect and why I think this.
I like a good discussion on many subjects, a bit of argumentation is OK but the minute people stop listening to each other you are no longer in a discussion, that is the minute the discussion ends.
I refuse to apologize for being myself, I did that for 45 years. I'll not be doing that anymore.

I felt the need to get all that out into the world of my blog.


  1. I agree with you on so many things. I could mention the differences but why bother? I no longer read the comments on political posts on FB. I don't welcome debate and certainly not with those that only see Fox News and hang on every word in the daily pep rallies AKA daily corona report from the Hill. We are dealing with this situation the same way you are. We have to in order to keep our sanity.
    Be well and stay safe.
    xx, Carol

  2. Hang in there sweetie and know you never need to apologize for who you are. Your regular readers love you just the way you are. Have a lovely cocooning time and then come on back and tell us everything you have been up to.



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