
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Go Vote people!

A new Spirit doll I call her Voting Spirit

I am trying to stay as upbeat as possible, even though all the candidates I wanted to win, have all dropped out now.


Maybe we will get a woman next time around

Who knows, maybe The next guy to win will set things right.

I have sopped saying "It can't get any worse"

because the universe seems to be taking that as a challenge .

 there are a couple more inchies too


  1. Love your spirt dolls! Maybe we can hope for a women VP!

  2. Well you know MY political stand. I'm with so many that say I just want trump out. Bernie scares me with the cost of his programs. I've been thinking about Joe and if he wins who his running mate would be. Who would Bernie choose.

    Honestly, things will never change in the USA in my life time. Citizens United needs to go. And trump has stacked the courts to promote the Conservatives.

    I never ever thought I would see our country in it's current situation.
    xx, Carol



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