
Monday, February 17, 2025

RSC the blues

Rainbow scrap challenge color for this month is Blue
that's my Blue scrap round up for this month

The stars do look better in the darker fabrics


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Stay at home round Robbin update (SHARR)

 Second round for the SHARR was 

use the Half square triangle  in your quilt

So I framed my block for this round 

in 2" HST's

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Goldwork Update


So I got to the point that I thought I was finished the last time I used this design
Aaand it didn't look finished.

So I'm adding more leaves
and shoots and berries

maybe a Dragonfly and a Bee.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Studio update

You might like to see how the studio is coming along

I am still packing and the garage is starting to run out of room to, put the boxes.                                                                                                                        I have decided to stop until the studio is done,        as there is nowhere to fit the furniture and still fit the car.
All the windows are in and we found basic shop lights at Costco for general lighting 

and a track lighting fixture for specific spots over the work areas                                                                                                                                          Those will be installed later after the drywall is up.                                                                                The closet has been framed out, and we are just waiting on the wiring and boxes for electricity.                                                                                       Just need our electrician to come back to run and hook up the wires for lights, switches and heat pump.
We are working on the insulation in the walls and ceiling now. 
once the drywall is up, we will install the flooring
                                                                                                                                                                     It's starting to look like an inviting place to go!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I am awaiting, with baited breath, the day I can start painting and move in!

 I have visions of a small porch with an overhang and stairs!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Starting the new year

Starting my first "Stay at home Round Robin (SHARR)" experience!

If you want to join me, the rules are,
#1 go find a 12" block in your UFO pile to start with.
Mine is the star in the center.
You build up your quilt by adding rows to your center block by following the prompts.
The first round prompt is the "kings crown" block
or a block named for the first initial of your name.
I chose the "kings crown" there are 4 variations, (see here,
to choose from, I chose to make one big block around my center block instead of maybe using the
"Kings Crown" block as corners, a companion block, or a surround.
How else would you use this block in a quilt?

I'm also joining in on the "Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC)"

January's color was Pink, did you know Pink is not a color in the rainbow?

First set are the 9-patch stars, made with 2 1/2 squares in a 6" block.

they are a little hard to see as the contrast between the pink and white is difficult to pick up with the camera.

The second set are made with 4" alternate squares

in pink and white and white and pink

The center square is 2" and the surrounding layers

are alternating strips of 1" to 1 1/4" scraps.

Starting the new year with enthusiasm is simple

It's trying to sustain the enthusiasm throughout the rest of the year
as the mundane home and family stuff start to demand attention away from sewing, But I make the attempt every year.

Happy year of the Wood Snake everyone!


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