
Saturday, July 13, 2024

The star Tarot

 Here we go again with another Tarot card

This is the Star, She'snot finished yet but I thought I would post her so far anyway.

She is a more personal card to me My Aunt Rainey gave me this card when I was 7 or 8.

She is the one who taught me to love the cards and gave me my first set.

She sAys she was taught by gypsies, which knowing her just might be true. 

She lived in the same big "C" shaped apartment building, 

3 doors down from Wrigley field, that we did when I was little.

We on the 3rd floor and she on the 2nd. 

I could get to her house by running down the porch stairs and banging on the door.   

when she was home she would let me in and we could talk,

She taught me to make cookies, and it was OK to speak your mind and to be different from everyone else.

She would say "If everyone was the same life would be boring."

The card depicts the north star, sailors and travelers guide in the night sky, in the middle of the 7 sisters constellation. 

A woman on a field of grass and flowers, Pouring water from 2 jugs onto the earth and into a body of water,

She stands on the water and kneels on the land.

She is a calm guide to that balance within oneself, that nourishes the soul. 

She sees both sides and nourishes them both without judgement.

All sewn in DMC 3 strands over satin fabric in satin stitch and rice stitch.

The stars are with 3 strand DMC burnished silver thread.

Any time you use a metallic thread you must be gentile and patient with it or it will turn into the most unmanageable nest of vipers you've ever seen!

I use short lengths, no longer than a foot and a very wide eye needle, this helps to keep knots in the thread and damage to your fabric to a minimum because Metallic threads will shred a fragile fabric.

Make sure you go to the back of your work and bury and wrap the ends otherwise they will wriggle loose.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Rainbow Scrap Challenge time! Blue

June was blue 

Lots of blue-ishness going on here!

 This months color is Orange. 

I chose this color because I am sick of blue and dark grey skies.
The official RSC runner may choose something different, I need something bright right now.

For anyone interested in Following along.
I will shout out the color at the beginning of the month,
To follow along, You pick a pattern And how many blocks you want to make.
Here are some block ideas, with instructions. I use dice to choose.

Block                                             Google Doc                    PDF

Postage Stamp -Block 1                   Postage Stamp                Postage Stamp

Double Bowties -Block 2                 Double Bowties                Double Bowties

Rail Fence -Block 3                         Rail Fence                        Rail Fence

Shoofly -Block 4                             Shoofly                             Shoofly

Big O -Block 5                                Big O                                Big O

Bright Hopes -Block 6                     Bright Hopes                    Bright Hopes

Antique Tile - Block 7                      Antique Tile                      Antique Tile

Chubby Plus - Block 8                      Chubby Plus                     Chubby Plus

 Friendship Star - Block 9                 Friendship Star                 Friendship Star                    

Bears Paw - Block 10                       Bears Paw                         Bears Paw

Jacob's Ladder - Block 11                 Jacob's Ladder                  Jacob's Ladder 

Prairie Queen -Block 12                   Prairie Queen                    Prairie Queen

Opposing Corners- Block 13            Opposing Corners             Opposing Corners

Petals - Block 14                               Petals                                 Petals

Old Maid's Puzzle - Block 15            Old Maid's Puzzle            Old Maid's Puzzle

Spiral Stairs - Block 16                      Spiral Stairs                      Spiral Stairs

D4P - Block 17                                   D4P                                  D4P

Broken Sugar Bowl - Block 18         Broken Sugar Bowl           Broken Sugar Bowl

Pennsylvania - Block 19                   Pennsylvania                      Pennsylvania 

Churn Dash - Block 20                      Churn Dash                        Churn Dash

Spools - Block 21                              Spools                                  Spools

Grecian Block - Block 22                Grecian Block                        Grecian Block

Rolling Stone - Block 23                  Rolling Stone                        Rolling Stone

Friendship Star - Block 24               Friendship Star                      Friendship Star

Here is another idea for you, and the blog I got it from below,
Do a round robin quilt! you start with a 12" block for the middle, could be a panel or an old UFO
And follow along row by row, building up one border at a time.

If you want more information
this is the "owner" of the (RSC)challenge and her info

Oh, scrap! linky party with even more eye candy


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