Monday, February 17, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Stay at home round Robbin update (SHARR)
Second round for the SHARR was
use the Half square triangle in your quilt
So I framed my block for this round
in 2" HST's
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
A Studio update
I have visions of a small porch with an overhang and stairs!
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Starting the new year
Starting my first "Stay at home Round Robin (SHARR)" experience!
"Kings Crown" block as corners, a companion block, or a surround.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sewing room update
Ever begin to feel like you have too many hobbies?
me neither.
I'm in the process of ripping apart my sewing space in preparation formoving into my new Sewing room, soonsometimeinthenextmonth
that should all be said together in a hummmmmmmm!
in which there is now a floor, 2 windows and a door!
I'm trying to be methodical in my sorting and boxing
but my squirrel brain keeps running amok
She's finding all the buried nuts of old 1/2 finished projects, she was going to do.
Sounds like my lost tribe no? Princess allthehobbies of the Wasgonnado tribe
Anyhow a week of boxing up aaaand.I've run out of boxes and all that's moved is fabric and books.
I've barely made a dent.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
This Years Wrap up
All the way back in January and february I finished my frog sized frog
This is also a reminder to try one in a smaller size
And I also made this tiny "Casket toy" glove of flt ribbons and gold passing thread
I also finished this Chatelaine Purse in January, Though to be fair she was started in november
I have in my head to do more of these
They were fun
Started and Finished My youngest daughters Crazy Quilted Ellie
Helped put together costumes for a play in march
Not these ones, I somehow managed to forget
to take any pictures of the ones I worked on
Though it's understandable we had the usual
2 weeks to complete 3 Robe a la Frances dresses for men from scratch including underpinnings!
It'll be fine!
Went to our quilt Guilds Retreat in the mountains
just so I could finish this one!
She was my first foray into making an entire
English Paper pieced Quilt with scraps from my pile
I'd say that was successful!
Finished 2 Rainbow Scrap flimsies
And a Quilt for my SeaStar (Step-Sister)As a gift for when we went to visit family in April
After the Eclipse
Plus a couple of silly little projects
The ongoing garden Cleanup
Numerous Quilt group things
The shophop quilts I just posted about
and the studio renovation backadagarage
I got a lot done this year!
So whenever you start feeling like"ungh! why can't I get anything done?"
go through you're photo roll and take stock
You'll be surprised at how much you actually did get done!
No wonder you're so tired all the time!