
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Studio Update

 I just realized It's been a while since I updated about the studio! 

Goodness me

The last time I spoke the studio looked like                                                                                                     the construction disaster it was

We got all the windows in

But one of the pains broke so we had to wait a couple weeks for a replacement

Meanwhile The wiring for electricity and LIGHTS

went in, January Ahhhhhhh!

the drywall went up, February, yay!

we got the flooring delivered, Whoop!

And I got to play Muddy Mudskipper on the walls


many buckets of mud and a few more trips to hodo

As you do

I got all the walls nice and sanded smooth 

then painted primer, 2 coats

Annnnd the color is,

 a nice soft mossy green

IKR? bad enough we have moss outside?

But see how nice it looks!

With a little bit of pink for accent on the doors

It will be lovely to work in

Now for the floors

I took 2 days to get this far

And my back hurts

These Are easy to install bUt

There is a bit of a learning curve 

and the first 2 or 3 rows are a pain in the ass to get started

This is after the 3rd day

of scooting around on my butt, hammering

not bad for an old lady ya?

Adam finished putting in all the outlets and covers

And once the electrician comes back to finish 

the floor outlets and wire in the outside light, 

heat pump And the exhaust fan

I will get working on all the quarter round to finish up the floors

But wait!

We still need to frame in the windows and fit up the windowsills, It's always something......

I just want to move!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I am so bored with these people

 I try not to post too much on political things, since many out there have few places to avoid what it going on in DC, but things are not well in this country and have not been well for a very long time.

I fear the course correction that is coming will be devastating for many in our fractious country.

I have stated before I don't understand where the, cruelty for cruelties sake, streak comes from in humans.

How can you live with yourself when you know you have caused harm? 

How can you enjoy the causing of harm?

How is undermining the safety and stability of others beneficial?

We have seen through the lens of history that Slavery, oppression and inefficiency causes more instability and costs more in money, effort and time to perpetuate, than happy productivity in society and yet here we are.

Clawing back time, destroying a working, if flawed, government and causing harm to not just us but the world. Why? so a few bazillionaires can make more money they will never use? So they can feel even more superior to the rest of us? why? for what reason? To stroke an ego so small and fragile it needs to step on others to feel better about it's own inadequacy? How banal. How disappointing. 

How white supremacist.

I'm superior and yet so afraid I have to carry a gun everywhere, but I'm rich enough I can hire others to do it for me and i'll use my infant son as a shield to protect me from sharpshooters, is the height of frighted white manbaby. The orange puppet is no better.

Tell me your mother didn't hug you enough as a child, that you must destroy everything better men and women than you, built over 2+ centuries, to feel like you've made your mark on the world.

How inadequate. How flaccid.  How boring.

I put it out into the Universe,

May they all get what they deserve.

May they all get what they deserve.

May they all get what they deserve.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rainbow Scrap Challenge stars

continuing on with our Yellow scraps I give you 10 scrappy stars

made from 2 1/2 inch squares and 1 inch squares 

sewn from point to point for the star arms 

to make 6" blocks 

Monday, March 10, 2025

RSC-Rainbow scrap challenge is yellow for march

 Good day sunshine!

Happy Yellow scrap squares on my table

Nice and bright for this months gloomy weather

16 opposites attracting my attention this week

These 4" squares will be a nice addition to the TBA pile!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Goldwork Finish

 At least I think I'm done.

I added 2 more leaves and several more new berry stems

but It still felt empty

what to do?

I intend to add a dragonfly in that upper right-hand corner

But there is a small hole, to my eye, 

between the big gold leaf and the snail

I need to think on that one

A Bee maybe?

It's feeling off balance somehow.

Time to finish the leaves and dragonfly and figure this conundrum out.

Here's the Finish.

It feels more balanced now.

Annd now I see 3 holes and they've gotten bigger.

How is that possible?

Monday, February 17, 2025

RSC the blues

Rainbow scrap challenge color for this month is Blue
that's my Blue scrap round up for this month

The stars do look better in the darker fabrics


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Stay at home round Robbin update (SHARR)

 Second round for the SHARR was 

use the Half square triangle  in your quilt

So I framed my block for this round 

in 2" HST's


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