
Saturday, April 2, 2022

Why am I so exhausted?

 I was thinking about this all last night. I am Fatigued.

 Not in a First world sort of "Oh me oh my" sort of way, but in more of a trying to sort it all out, sort of way.   I realize, I am a white woman of privilege and I am not obligated to fix any of what is broken, but I can't help but feel I should at least know what the hell is going on.

There is so much going on in the world and trying to keep track of it or even keep it in some sort of order is crazy making. I want to be informed but the more I try the more knackered I get. Then I don't pay attention and I feel horribly uninformed. Trying to keep a balance between my peace of mind and staying abreast of what is going on is getting harder and harder. 

It was bad enough before Putin invaded Ukraine and started killing everyone. The news is heartbreaking and there is so much suffering we can't do anything about, it puts more pressure on the pile of things, I can't do anything about. "Just throw money at it" seems inadequate but what else to do?

 I can't just disengage myself, turn off the news, be less informed and still look myself in the mirror and like what I see.  Am I doing this to myself?  Yes, probably. It doesn't help that the news is a fire-hose of badness. So how to overcome the feeling of helplessness? The feeling that I don't do enough but what can I do?  If I ever find out I'll let you all know. For now it's time to play in the dirt. Dirt don't care, neither do worms.

I can take my frustrations out on the weeds, so there is that.


  1. Well you give me food for thought. MY first response is WHAT news to listen to or read. Just about everything is partisan. What happened to the CNN of the 80s. You could watch and see what was happening around the world and the weather too. I hate those morning shows that always have 3 hosts and too much damn fluff and feel good stories. They make me feel like I would rather hear something important. I like the savior stuff. You know the guy who rushes into a burning building to save someone. Or the fire men that save drowning dogs etc. Just keep the feel good stuff about entrepreneurs who finally got a brick and stone. I think I'm just too old for it all. I have more fear of where our country is headed. Mulvaney on CBS? Just another reason not to watch THAT station. I gotta know what is going on too, but where to find the truth.
    xx, Carol

  2. Girl, I hear you. At this point, all we can do with the Ukraine situation is throw money at it. Unless you know of a black ops team for older women, that is. And damn if this country isn’t going to the right-wingnuts who are trying to take away our votes, body autonomy, what to say to and teach our kids. All while the American oligarchies get richer, people who aren’t male WASPs get suppressed and the earth is being abused beyond recovery. And THAT is why I sew and garden too. Getting tactile with dirt or fabric (while nature or the music box sings) is how we heal ourselves, since the world around us is beyond our reach. xo



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