
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodby 2020

Do not read if you are at all politically sensitive.

This post has nothing to do with anything I normally post, feel free to ignore it. This screed is me venting, if you are offended at the things I say here, too bad. 

Go away, I really don't need you as a follower and I am not interested in why I am wrong.  

You have been warned. Don't make me say "I told you so" It won't be pretty.


As we bid adiue to this Zeno's paradox of a year let us look back on and say goodby to, where we hoped we would be by now, as a society as well as goodby to the year that never ended as well.

I think it's a forgone conclusion that we are all, not where we thought we would be.

As I look back from my dining room table, in yoga pants hugging a cuppa, I am struck by all the things that haven't come to pass. As a child I was told the future would be a utopia. My parents insisted things would get better, My mother and I fought and protested for things to get better and they did, for a while. It was a dream, a fever dream as it turns out. Reality is cold comfort where I get to watch my children struggle for the basics and get smacked down again and again. They were supposed to be able to do better than I did. Watching them struggle to make ends meet in the most basic of ways, breaks my heart.

For a while we made incremental progress towards that future but for every step forward societaly we seemed to take 3 giant steps back governmentaly. Until the two were diametrically opposed and here we are, to the now. The now of not having gotten to Mars, no flying cars, no utopic nearing star trek society where everyone gets a seat, no equality of opportunity for people of color or women and in fact things seem to be going backwards. To the point of needing to protest the same god damned things Mother and I protested for in the 60's through the 80's. Say what you want about the hippy dippy 60's generation, their dream of everyone participates, with no strings and their willingness to protest for it, was a beautiful thing. Even if they had no follow through.

To say it has been a frustrating time is to understate it, bigley. And god, do I hate that there are things that will be said, for the rest of my life, that will point back to this fucking terrible administration. This illegitimate, corrupt, greedy, idiotic, ignorant, willfully stupid and yes, evil, administration. The whole thing and everyone in it is a bad actor. The fact that at least 48% of the nation thinks this is just fine tells me we are in for a very bad time, for much longer than anyone anticipates. Simply because these, ignorant neanderthals, will hold us back from the innovation we need to push forward, to the future that is just there.

Biden is a ray of sunshine but at this point I am so jaded on the possibility that a government for the people is even possible, I don't trust any of them. Especially not at this hour, when the pain and suffering of the last 4 years has been so perpetuated by the republican party and the pansies on the left, who say all the right things then think they can "Negotiate" with them. It smells like caving to compromise on anything and we the people always seem to get the short end. It is disheartening in the extreme to have tried to do all the "right" things in the "right"way to get ahead only to be told they weren't actually the right "right" things, were not enough, or to have the goalposts moved, again. 

I am sick of this shit!

I am sick of old white men who are so fucking afraid of sharing power, with Gasp, the other 60% of the population, the future and the fact that they are no longer the authority on everything, that they sabotage the entire country! I don't understand this mindset, that is so selfish, that they would destroy something rather than share. To what end? Who benefits if the world burns? That 48% of the population, that votes, is willing to tapdance into hell after them is frightening. and what the hell is wrong with at east 30% of the population who doesn't even vote? What the actual hell? 

I have never, in my life, been harmed by being kind,  by sharing what I have with someone, or by being polite. So what is up with this attitude of "Fuck you I've got mine" that seems to prevail over the country? I will never understand why this administration has not been condemned, in the strongest possible terms, by everyone unconditionally. Especially when you Know, if this was a democratic administration, it would have been pilloried and set on fire by now. These people need to be rounded up prosecuted, to the fullest extent of the law and if there are no laws to cover this, we need to make them so this NEVER happens again.

So Flora, tell us how you really feel.............. I told you you didn't have to read this, that I was venting.

I may even write it all down long hand and burn it, just to get rid of this sick feeling of trapped exploitation and gaslighting, that 2020 has invoked. It makes me want to punch people and that, while satisfying, is just not conducive to forward progress. I am just so tired of fighting the same damned argument we have had as a nation since 1864, please stop. It's boring.

My hopes are simple, A future where everyone, regardless of anything, gets to participate in society.

Where people are not, oppressed, jailed, beaten or killed for the color of their skin or the flavor of their gender. if we can just get that part right,  maybe we have a chance at the rest.

My wish for Peace to you all


  1. Oh, Flora, I can’t even express how much I love this post! I have lost my trust in Americans who can vote for an individual who has no redeeming qualities. The Orange Covidiot is a braggart, narcissistic fool who thinks of himself first and lies as easily as he breathes. He makes fun of people and bestows insulting nicknames. Is this how we make anything (let alone America) great? I wouldn’t want a friend or neighbor like that and I sure as hell wouldn’t vote for someone like that for any office.

    The sixties and seventies were idealistic years. Our generation spoke up for what we believed was right, as did our moms’ too. My mom graduated in Accounting from NYU when she was 20 and pushed through her working years to be considered as equal to a man. She retired as a Vice President of Wells Fargo. And Boomers’ dreams were attainable too. Like you, my adult children struggle and it is through no fault of their own (housing collapse, overwhelming university debt). The rich have it easy, but the shrinking middle class and growing lower economic class are living on the brink.

    The real issues, which I think most Republicans and some Democrats refuse to see is that the laws and policies favor businesses over people. Why in hell should a business be considered a person with “rights”? make them pay their fair share of taxes with no religious exemptions. Make them be responsible world citizens, even if the rules and policies of safety, pollution controls, fair wages and health insurance are expensive or complicated. Tough shit. If they want to play,, they need to contribute, not throw breadcrumbs (f’ing “trickle down” doesn’t work when you have greedy, self-serving jerks at the top).

    I could go on and on, but why? I’m only one person, with one vote (that I used wisely this year!). But I’ll be here in the trenches, talking and fighting and protesting and contributing where I can to turn around the shit show of the last four years. Thanks for your great post.

  2. Good ride cue. You wrote what I think. How could we take so many steps backward and lose so much we faught so hard to gain. I remember when David Duke ran for president and everyone sitting around Terry’s family Thanksgiving table thought he was great....except us. My first glimpse of what I got into. We tolerated then but trump broke the ties. Yes 2021 will be better because trump will be gone. But we have so much to gain back. Will everyone ever be equal in this world? I am sure not in my lifetime.

    But fight on!
    Xx, Carol

  3. I am with you. Well said. Have no regrets for speaking your truth. It's all good and I so agree. But still, maybe someday, things are going to get better, at least a little for a little while.



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